My name is Finnsimile.
When most people come face to face with a complex challenge they groan and say “Uggh, I give up, this is too hard. Forget it!” But me? I just get excited. My ears perk up and I begin to think.
Facsimile (noun) - “as true to the original as possible”
• Art and design that’s true to the self •
My name is Finn Evans and I love employing creativity to address and solve problems: in other words, I love design. I’ve designed a variety of solutions in my life, from telling people where to go for a garage sale to creating internationally attended community events.
At my core I am an artist branching out into disciplines of communications and customer service. I approach the challenges I face with confidence and solve problems with creativity, all while keeping aesthetics in mind. So if you have a project you want to develop or a problem you need solved, please don't hesitate to reach out.